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 Since 1978, Abilities Without Boundaries has helped individuals with developmental and physical disabilities lead more productive and fulfilling lives. AWB provides social and employment opportunities to individuals with developmental and physical disabilities. 

AWB offers participants group-supported employment, either at a job site in the community or in-house. Others enjoy recreational and community based programs allowing integration into their community.   AWB empowers individuals with disabilities the opportunity to succeed in social and vocational pursuits within a safe, nurturing environment.

To learn more about Abilities Without Boundaries, please go to www.abilitieswithoutboundaries.org


Mary has been a participant at Abilities Without Boundaries, formally known as COCO, since it began in 1978. Like most participants at AWB, Mary comes to the program for work and social opportunities. Mary is a paid employee who works on our magazine crew and enjoys participating in recreational activities on days she is not working. She particularly likes going to the movies and helping prepare hot lunch, where she learns cooking skills. About 75% of our participants engage in some type of group-supported employment, either at a job site in the community or within our program. Many others enjoy more recreational and community based programs where they are able to integrate in their community in different ways. All, however, benefit from an environment that promotes empowerment, socialization and friendship.

Mary is also a participant in our Self-Advocacy group where Mary says the group learns “how to do things for yourself, speak up for yourself, and when to depend on other people.” Without AWB, Mary states she would stay home and be bored. Instead she has a program where she can work, engage with others, and participate in activities that enrich her life. With contributions through fundraising, AWB is able to provide quality supports to over 65 participants, which enables them to work, be a part of their community, and pursue their dreams.